Can exoskeletons exo-suit help with low back pain when carrying heavy objects becomes a daily work problem

A long time ago, a video of a delivery boy wearing an exoskeleton carrying a delivery box was extremely popular. At that time, I wondered if it was too cumbersome. It's not practical. Maybe I didn't know much about external bones at that time, even thought I was paying IQ tax. How could I bear so much for such a small thing? It was also at that time that I began to understand exoskeleton and whether it could be commercialized and used for civilian purposes.

Take the logistics industry as an example: when we are carrying goods or heavy goods, when we bend down, the pressure on the lumbar spine is nearly twice that when we stand upright, and for workers whose waist is not or whose lumbar intervertebral disc protrudes, there is no doubt that it is more harmful to the body. As for the appearance of the power assisted exoskeleton, it gives workers a space to greatly relieve the pressure on the human body when unloading/carrying goods.


THE EXO™exoskeleton - Metal back exo-suit :   

Power assisted exoskeleton - metal back:

Suitable for carrying 30 kg

Provide lumbar assistance: 20kgf

Exoskeleton Weight: 3.5kg


For the product concept of "EHS man-machine improvement", we continue to achieve technological breakthrough and development.

For the wellness and happiness of labourers

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Get more information about our exoskeletons for industrial handling, handling aids, WMSD and more. Hyetone -For the wellness and happiness of labourers . For details, please consult our engineering and technical personnel.